For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Because of a tragic event that took place when he was five-years-old, seventh grader Kameron Boyd can't make himself speak to adults when he steps outside his home. Kam's mom hopes his new school will cure his talking issues, but just as he starts to feel comfortable, financial problems threaten the school’s existence. Then a letter arrives with the opportunity to change everything. Kam learns that he and several others have been selected as potential heirs to a fortune. He just has to solve a series of seven riddles to find the treasure before the other students. If he succeeds, he’ll become heir to a fortune that could save his school. The riddles send Kam on a scavenger hunt through the churches of Chicago. But solving them won’t be easy. With the school’s bully as one of the other potential heirs, Kam and his friends must decipher the hidden meanings in artwork and avoid the mysterious men following them in a quest to not only keep the school open, but keep Kam’s hopes for recovering his voice alive.


This book is a fun middle grade read. It models virtue in the behavior of the protagonist...while also demonstrating his caring and supportive attitude about his school and all the people in his community. This is truly refreshing since so much teen and pre-teen reading and entertainment entrenches negative attitudes in youth about school - portrayed in the teen season of life.


Team Virtue



Creative problem solving


Making small sacrifices to work with others


Unwavering endurance


Virtue Search Media
Catholic 365 Review

Teen author, Leslea Wahl, explains why she sees so many layers of value in the book: 7 Riddles to Nowhere. Read More

Virtue Search Media
Catholic Teen Books: A. J. Cattapan

Discover the talented authors who are teamed up with A. J. Cattapan - whose titles are featured on the website: CatholicTeen Explore all the titles they promote...7 Riddles to Nowhere can lead you on your own treasure hunt to find new favorites for readers who are middle grade and teens. Read More

Virtue Search Media
Goodreads Reviews 7 Riddles to Nowhere

Enjoy the appreciative reviews for this title on Goodreads Read More

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